Does anyone own one of these? If so how do you like it?
Does anyone own one of these? If so how do you like it?
Didn't Tom do a video review on this a while ago? It may have been in conjunction of something else (i.e. personal defense setup or holster options).
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
I would like to hear what people think too, I'm interested in the vertical bikini shoulder holster. Would love to hear what owners think and what weapon they carry in it.
It is anchored to your belt & made of high grade leather. It is custom hand stitched for you, we will call you to make it perfect..
Tigg, brother look around. You may find some cheaper but, you get what you pay for in holsters. If you like it count your coin and order one. Tom and his craftsman will take care of it. Custom fit to you with a call to make sure all is good and Im also sure if not he will make it right. Tom gives satisfaction with his products. Peace bro, if you get one post it up and let me know what you think.... Gunnr
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There is only good and bad, innocent and evil. I am a predator of evil men and I don't assist sheep. I kill wolves -J. Yeager
I have one on order when I get it I'll do a full review.
I'm new on here and I too am about to order one . I am kinda on the fence with should I or should I not . I would love to get one now . I have the money , but it is December and we only have 2 months of cold weather left . Which means I may not get to wear it if it comes in on the 8th week . The person I emailed said 6-8 weeks at the most on wait time for them to finish the holster if I order it this week . I am really wondering if I should order tomarrow or just hold off till next season.
What is your order #? Text my store at 954-804-4381. I'll check on the status. We had a $250,000 order from a major motion film company & we are backed up. Wait time is now 5 months but will improve as we just expanded to a Miami facility to work on these masterpieces by hand.