I need help on deciding on what Kimber to get. I have both paid off and I need to pick up atleast one. It's a Kimber Pro Covert 2 or the Kimber Ultra Covert 2. I need to pick one. I already have a 4" kimber Pro CDP2 and just won a Kimber full size Desert Warrior that's coming in, in a couple weeks hand delivered by one of the top guys at Kimber. Anyways back on track... the 3" or the 4"??? I'm leaning towards the 3" because I don't have one yet and the ultra felt pretty good. But then again the 4" just looks more like a 1911 but I already have a 4" that I conceal and I think the 3" will be better to carry. Please help!! Thanks in advance. I'll check back sometime during my work shift, so sorry if I don't respond back fast. So once again 3" Ultra or the 4" Pro. (For concealed carry) Thank you very much internets.