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Thread: *huge dilema* please help!!!

  1. #1

    *huge dilema* please help!!!

    I need help on deciding on what Kimber to get. I have both paid off and I need to pick up atleast one. It's a Kimber Pro Covert 2 or the Kimber Ultra Covert 2. I need to pick one. I already have a 4" kimber Pro CDP2 and just won a Kimber full size Desert Warrior that's coming in, in a couple weeks hand delivered by one of the top guys at Kimber. Anyways back on track... the 3" or the 4"??? I'm leaning towards the 3" because I don't have one yet and the ultra felt pretty good. But then again the 4" just looks more like a 1911 but I already have a 4" that I conceal and I think the 3" will be better to carry. Please help!! Thanks in advance. I'll check back sometime during my work shift, so sorry if I don't respond back fast. So once again 3" Ultra or the 4" Pro. (For concealed carry) Thank you very much internets.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxer Puncher View Post
    I'm leaning towards the 3" because I don't have one yet and the ultra felt pretty good. But then again the 4" just looks more like a 1911 but I already have a 4" that I conceal and I think the 3" will be better to carry. Please help!! Thanks in advance. I'll check back sometime during my work shift, so sorry if I don't respond back fast. So once again 3" Ultra or the 4" Pro. (For concealed carry) Thank you very much internets.
    I think you already answered your own question

    I really want a Kimber Ultra CDP II for concealed and carry. I love that gun!!

    I'd take the 3" if you're using it for carry since it might be easier to hide and you already have the 4" that you conceal but both are great guns.

    You lucky dog.
    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

  3. #3
    And I just won a full size Kimber Desert Warrior through Kimbers big summer giveaway too so Ya good idea. I'll have one of each I'm thinking
    Last edited by Boxer Puncher; 08-31-2013 at 09:06 PM.

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