The gun laws in my state suck! I liv in NYC and thanks to mayor bloomberg it's nearly impossible to get your permit. In order to get your license in the state of ny you have to literally have friends or family fill out a mound of paper work that takes half a day to fill out. Not to mention you need to have one person who is willing to take your guns in the event something happens to you and three other friends to have the police call and make sure that they know your not insane and that's just to get the license if they approve you. If and when you do get your license you only have 30day's to get the gun and 72hrs from the time of purchase to go and register it at police HQ. Now if you want another firearm you have to get a form called a purchase authorazation wich you have to fill in what caliber make and model the gun is and wait 4-8 weeks to see if your approved. It might just be me but I think this process sucks! what are the laws like where you live ?