thanks Gunnr, I think im going to try a bench rest next time out, and see how that go's cause I was getting better inside before I went outside. I think it's just one of those guns I need to practice...
Type: Posts; User: strix2035
thanks Gunnr, I think im going to try a bench rest next time out, and see how that go's cause I was getting better inside before I went outside. I think it's just one of those guns I need to practice...
guys take a look at this video and tell me what you think may be going on?
thanks for the tips, I think that's what I do wrong I try to go to fast and my skill level is not there yet, I need to take it slow and speed will come.
guys I starting shooting steel plates and having lots of fun with it, I was wondering if any of you guys have any tips with getting on the next target fast. or just shooting steel in general.
welcome to the forum
no way im not parting with mine! it's glued to me.:p
I like Benelli shotguns the supersport is sweet, but will take you over 1500 unless you find a real good deal, but they have some under 1500.
I know what you mean by the 40 being a bit more snappy, but I trained so much with it, that I shoot it the best, well lets see now that I got this lionheart lh9n this may be my new go to gun. I love...
378 the top katana is my pride and joy, it's a custom made katana by Jesus Hernandez. I will be posting more photos of her.
yeah my sig p226 extreme model in 40 cal is my go to gun. the CZ it matt cost 725 not bad for what you get.
yes it does have a look like that. it is cause of the rail system it is a nice smooth shooter with very low recoil, it sits in the frame not outside like most, I hope im explaining it right.
yeah CZ makes some great guns! my uncle just picked up the p-01 nice compact model, im going to pick up the CZ75 in matt SS, they feel real nice in the hand.
I just picked one up and have not had a chance to shoot it yet, wondering if any of you guys own one? or had a chance to shoot one? and your thoughts on it? I can tell you just by holding it and...
lol geez I did not think it was going to be so easy! nice job man
man I know the feeling! but thank god in my state they don't make it so easy to be a collector, I have to get a permit for everyone I buy and that takes months ;( cause my house would look like Rambo...
hey, you need to go to your local percent and get the paper work for a firearm permit, then hand it back to them you pay a fee for each one you are able get apply for 3 at a time. then make a...
Tom thanks for the forum! you know I will support this forum as much as I support your youtube channel, and I am looking forward to making some new friends on here as well.
lets see how much you guys know just by the look of a gun.
this is my killer!!!
"lucky gunner" best out there by far and fast shipping!
I'm looking forward to this forum and making some new friends, and learning some new stuff on firearms and blades.
I have a p226 extreme in 40 with the SRT and it is my favorite trigger I shot with so far that's why my sig is my go to gun
Tim does have a great channel as well as you Tom, I like how he does a full review of the firearm and well as test fire, plus he gets back to in time if you have a question, and that's big to me...
I would like to see you get out and cut those matts TOM.
I would give SOG a look they have some real nice blades and sheaths, maybe a seal pup!