View Full Version : Helping out a fellow gun owner

04-15-2014, 09:19 AM
As some might have guessed given my username I am a gun owner who is legally blind and I just wanted to spread the word about an upcoming event that I figured if enough support was given by those of us in the gun community it might help show that not all us gun-owners are violent people. The event is called vision walk NYC and the purpose of it is to raise money for research to help find cure for medical conditions that cause people to lose all or part of they're sight. If your going to be in the NY area on May 3rd and would like to join or you just want to make a donation I will post the link below. Again I thought it might be a good idea if some gun owners joined/helped out in the hopes of showing the anti-gunners that we aren't bad people just because we own guns. Thanks in advance for the support!


MP Gunther
04-16-2014, 08:16 PM
Sounds like a very worthy cause and hopefully has a great turnout. I'll donate via your link and urge everyone to give what they can. Not to drag politics into this but, if Bloomberg can spend 50 million to fight the NRA think what that money would do to fight diseases that cause blindness

04-18-2014, 07:05 PM
Thank you for helping spread the word and donateing any help or donation is greatly appreciate'd! I know what you mean about the whole bloomberg thing the only time he cares about money is when it benifits him. I'd bet all my money and guns that if he or someone he knew got sick tomarrow he'd be knocking on every door trying to find a cure.

04-28-2014, 09:12 AM
Just a quick update if anyone is interestead in attending. The event is this saturday at citi field (Mets stadium) in queens NY and starts at 9am est. Thanks again for the support/donation's