View Full Version : Types of shooters

11-12-2012, 06:53 PM
Hi Tom great channel! It was because of your channel that when I went to buy my first gun it made the selection process easier. I have a thought for a video and figured I run it by you. We all know there's a wide range of guns and knives! but what about the different ty[es of shooters? By different types of shooters I mean those who are disabled. I was watching an old episode of Sons of Guns and a marine came in and only could use one arm to shoot. He was an avid shooter but due to wound's in battle was reduced to only one arm but thanks to gun smithing he was able to get back into the shooting circut. My reason for the video idea is because I myself am disabled (poor eye sight) and it seems like everytime I go to buy a gun I get treated differently because of it. Just like those who are limited to one arm or in a wheelchair we all like shooting but because we're disabled we tend to get looked at like we shouldn't be useing a gun. Hopefully if you can make a video about the different type's of shooter's it might make it easier on us to enjoy shooting more. Thanks

03-31-2013, 02:04 PM
I like your idea, stay tuned

08-18-2013, 07:38 AM
Thanks for takeing intrest in the idea! I look forward to watching a video on the topic. Being a diabled shooter myself I can tell you first hand that haveing a handicap and owning a firearm and going shooting has some big stereo-types. Hopefully with your help we can get the word out that just because one is disabled doesn't mean that he/she can't be a responseable gun owner.

MP Gunther
08-18-2013, 11:30 AM
Excellent idea!

08-18-2013, 02:19 PM
I fully agree with you bro. I am disabled to a point myself after a bad motorcycle accident and have trained and practice when I can. Most schools can accomedate handicapped shooters when training us and it all works out well.Some videos for those of us that cant go train right away would be a Godsend to helping us get a foothold on proper use of firearms with safety in mind. :rolleyes:
Thanks for takeing intrest in the idea! I look forward to watching a video on the topic. Being a diabled shooter myself I can tell you first hand that haveing a handicap and owning a firearm and going shooting has some big stereo-types. Hopefully with your help we can get the word out that just because one is disabled doesn't mean that he/she can't be a responseable gun owner.

08-18-2013, 05:36 PM
Thanks man glad to see some people agreeing with me.

08-18-2013, 10:27 PM
blindshooter, Hey bro just a thought. You should look into the XS Big Dot express sights. They are the best combat sights you can get. They are very fast and easy to see. They were designed for big game hunters years ago and were set up to acuire and shoot charging animals with the first shot. The guys at XS are very knowledgable and helpful. They make big dots for almost every gun you could imagine. Mine for my S&W cost like 90.00 and they are nite sights. Look 'em up online or give them a call... like I said just a thought bro.:)

08-19-2013, 08:30 AM
Thank's for the info Gunnr. every little bit helps when it comes to trying to improve my shooting. I've been to six different gun shops/range's here in NY and not one person ever made mention of that company for sights. Thanks again for the info!

08-21-2013, 06:37 PM
I feel your pain. I'm left-eye dominant, but a right handed shooter due to retinal damage to my right eye, so I had to learn to shoot rifles left--handed after decades of shooting rightie. I can shoot with either hand with a handgun, but prefer using my right hand as my strong side. If your vision is limited, I can suggest a couple of options: Try usign a holo/red-dot sight fitted for a handgun, or try the XS 24/7 Big Dot sights (with tritium inserts) as either one will give you quick target acquisition, even with limited visibility.

10-12-2013, 06:24 PM
Seems like i'm not the only one on here with sight issues. Any word if Tom is able to put a video together?

07-13-2014, 09:32 AM
I know what you mean glasswolf,, I am right-eye dominant and do to an injury I have limited use with my right arm and almost no finger dexterity and stength so I can't pull a trigger with my right hand. So now along with everthing else ,I need to learn to shoot in a new way. At the same time that's why I love shooting because its something almost anyone can do and get good at with practice. Its a lot easier than learning to bowl lefty that's for sure...(not pretty at all. .lol)

12-23-2020, 03:24 AM
Great idea..

Ali Sami Farooq