- What is your stance on the 2nd Amendment. Do you think we need some gun control?
- Maryland CCW law
- If you need to know the laws for handgun carry in your state
- CCW At The Office?
- New Pro 2A Doc coming out!
- Thoughts on Concealed Carry on Campus
- Open Carry law in Florida
- The gun laws in my state ''SUCK''
- Pro 2nd Amendment Romney or Obama
- Would you feel safe in New York this week!?!?!
- Hopes Dashed
- No ammo
- Go the the NRA website and email your Congressmen and Senators
- Gun control laws are illegal anyway....
- What is an assault weapon?
- New GUN CONTROL bill introduced to Florida House on 1/7/2013
- Not going to the state capital..so who wants to meet and shoot on Saturday?
- Please sign this petition against Bloomberg
- Civil Action Needed By All
- Hartford, ct video from anti gun legislation
- More from Hartford, ct hearing
- David Kopel Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, January 30, 2013
- Laws for CT
- Colorado, what part of shall not be infringed don't you understand?
- NRA to the rescue
- Feinstein, Obama to Continue Push for Gun, Magazine Ban; Magpul Stands Firm with Gun
- Background checks remain in gun control limbo
- Democrats push bill in Congress to require gun insurance under penalty of fine .
- Yep, these are the people who make our gun laws
- What would you do?
- Beretta to leave Maryland
- Better than background checks
- So how are you supposed to get your gun out of NY?
- Dealing with NYSAFE AR15 ban
- Background Checks
- Democrat or Republican
- Consider yourself lucky you aren't in NY
- Ammo laws for LI
- Gun/ammo laws for Boston MA
- Heads up on a possible ammo ban
- Do we have any shot in 2016?
- Are the websites “pocket carry” holsters accepted as “open-carry” holsters?